วันพุธที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is the cheapest flight from Jakarta to Phuket?

We want to fly from Jakarta to Phuket on April 10th 2009 and back to Jakarta on the 17th April 2009. What is the cheapest flight we can take and can anyone suggest any decent price comparison sites that specialize in asia travel?

Recommended route is via Jakarta - Bangkok - Phuket, with Air Asia (check price at www.airasia.com).

Second route - which is cheaper actually: Jakarta - KL - Phuket also with Air Asia.

Another route: Jakarta - Penang by Air Asia, then continue by Firefly (www.fireflyz.com.my) to Phuket.

By the way, if you want to go in 2009, it has a chance that Air Asia or lion Air will open direct Jakarta - Phuket or Medan - Phuket.

