I'm not gonna comment just will try to answer your question. Even though I do not know the best tattoo shop in Phuket I can assure you that most of them are good and very good. The staff is well qualified and experienced. All of them use new needles. So I would not be worried about choosing the right place. Just go to any place (Patong would be the best) and just ask for the prices. As I said, they are all similar in quality and service. And as mentioned, Patong area would be the best place to do it.
Ehmagawd. Do not tattoo on your eyebrows. That looks gross. It's just.. UH! Disgusting. e e; You should be happy with your own eyebrows.. and if you think that they are too big, get them waxed, not tattooed. Those tattoos will be with you your whole life, and they will look horrible as you get older. If you do decide to get them though, I will laugh at this stupid mistake you have made..
Why would you want to do that?