The link below will give you a list of bus company where you can charter a bus. Or you can call the South Bus Terminal which could quote you at BANGKOKâ™S SOUTHERN BUS TERMINAL is on Boromrat Chonnani Road, Tel : 435-1199, 434-7192 (air-conditioned) and Tel : 434-5557-8 (non air-conditioned).
How many people will be in your group?
The price of a 24 seater bus to Phuket from Bangkok is 970 THB/person. If you plan on taking a 24 seater bus from the Southern Bus Terminal, it would almost be impossible to book one for your group, there are always Thai's traveling to Phuket by bus, so there a good chance that it can't be done.
Your best bet is probably to charter a bus. Try this website.