วันเสาร์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

I will take a late flight from Phuket to Bangkok, then back to my country by morning after?

I intend to sleep (in my sleeping bag) at Bangkok airport. Do you know if they allow it? Thanks.

Seen it done before for should be no problem

My mother came back from China in the middle of the night. She changed her schedule and could not contact any of us. As she speak very little Thai, she had to sleep on the floor with her luggage. No one seem to mind.

Yeah sure.. I've seen lots of tourists sleeping on the floor.. No one seems to mind.. as long as you're not in someone else's way.. You can even take up the whole row of seats. No one would mind.

Well.. have a nice flight and enjoy your sleep.

